How do I manually track an employee's benefit time?

  1. Select Employees from the navigation list.
  2. Choose the employee you wish to work with from the list.
  3. Configure the desired settings for the employee.
  4. From the toolbar select Manage Employee.  In the drop down menu select Manage Benefit Time.
  5. At the Manually Manage Benefit Time area, select the desired pay code using the drop down menu that will manually be tracked.
  6. From the Starting column, enter how much time the employee will start with for the selected pay code.
  7. From the Taken column, enter have much time the employee has already used or leave it at zero if no time has been used.  Please Note: ClosedThe Remaining column will automatically adjust for any time that is taken.
  8. From the Last Reset On area, set the date for when the starting balance for the manually tracked benefit time began.
  9. Once complete select Save and Exit.


Wed 12/05/2018